Sales Tax Refund

How to request for Sales Tax Refunds

A permitted purchaser – the purchaser of a taxable item or service – who held a sales tax permit at the time they paid sales tax in error can:

  • ask the seller for a refund of the tax paid in error, or
  • amend the sales tax return for the period in which the tax was paid in error, or
  • take a credit on a future sales tax return for the tax paid in error, or
  • request for a refund from the Comptroller’s office.

A permitted purchaser who did not hold a sales tax permit at the time the tax was paid in error can ask the seller for a refund of tax paid in error or file the refund claim directly with the Comptroller’s office.

  How we can help you

How is a business supposed to determine what to charge sales tax on? That depend on the State laws and the nature of your business and the type of products you sell.

We have the expertise to research and determine the proper sales and use tax treatment of the transaction in question.

We will work with you to gain an understanding of your business and the nature of the products you are buying and selling.

We use our knowledge or research of sales and use tax laws to identify transactions qualifying for exemptions or subject to use tax.

We can review your paid vendor invoices to identify sales tax paid in error and help you apply for a sales tax refund.